27 Jan 2020

Why is natural stone more sustainable than other materials?

Reducing energy demand and CO2 emissions is more important now than ever. And because the construction industry makes a major contribution to global CO2 emissions and energy consumption, construction products should have the lowest possible environmental impact.

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ByEric Lundmark
Tags: architecture sustainability
16 Jan 2020

Reduce life cycle costs with natural stone

As a company that has been in the business of natural stone for almost a hundred years, we know that architects often consider natural stone to be an expensive material, which has also given it an air of exclusivity.

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ByEric Lundmark
Tags: architecture sustainability
10 Jan 2020

How to create architecture that lasts a thousand years

Long-lasting architecture is about style and strong, sustainable materials. But it’s also about using materials that get more beautiful as they age.

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ByEric Lundmark
Tags: architecture sustainability
1 Jan 2019

New name, new website – but with the same focus on sustainability

In 2018, Swimpex Granite changed its name to Scandinavian Stone. A name that better represents what we stand for: Natural stone from Scandinavia, with quality and sustainability at every stage. We call it Quality by Nature. Since January 2019, we have also launched a new website with the aim to clarify our offering and simplifying for our customers.

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ByEric Lundmark
Tags: about us values


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